My Personal Opinion...Needs to Pipe Down!

  Lord, help me to hold my tongue. Let it not become sharp and poisonous. Keep it from lashing out. I think without saying things and it becomes my weakness. God, today before I say a word let me think of You and Your Son. Let me also look to Mary, who uttered nothing but sweet and gentle words, as a guide. God let my tongue be curbed and let the Spirit fill me with words of love and goodness. Amen.

 Good afternoon! Today the thought occurred to me in school, as I was pondering my priest's homily from Sunday, that I need to act with more kindness towards others. And this means among others things, curbing my tongue and my personal opinion.  I've realized, that if I let myself, I can get pretty vicious in my thoughts and words about others.  The people I might be talking about may not be the nicest people, or the easiest to get along with, but that doesn't mean I have the right to do that to them.

I remember hearing once that the fifth commandment does not just apply to the physical aspect of killing, but the emotional as well.  If we slander against someone we are killing their reputation, their dignity.  Anytime we gossip we do this. Anytime we think slander against someone we are killing their reputation in our eyes. And when we speak it, in others.

My personal opinion of certain people I deal with in my day to day live is not a good one. That is why I am asking God to replace my opinion with His. To silence my tongue and my personal impression of people.  I need to start looking at people through His eyes not my own. It will take a great deal of time to accomplish but with perseverance and trust in God I can move mountains.

My prayers are with you, please keep me in yours so that I can accomplish this task.


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