Lent Me Make it Up to You

Create in me a clean heart, O God. And renew a steadfast Spirit within me.

First off, I want to apologize for not posting anything for a while, life has kept me quite busy.
Today, I wanted to talk about Lent.  I love Lent. I feel as if I can brush aside everything I've done in the past and start over. I can begin again. Does anyone else feel that way?  

For me, the transition from winter to spring symbolizes moving from old to new, sinner to saint. Lent is a time of penance and forgiveness. A time for saying, I'm sorry. A time for saying, what can I do to make things right?  Lent is a time to do whatever needs to be done to grow closer to Him. Plus, you have a legitimate excuse! Are you giving up some bad friendships?  If they ask you about it just say its a Lenten thing.  Lent is so magnificent because it offers us a second chance! Jesus is reaching out saying, "Here I am, come back to Me!" 

The fasting, prayer, alms-giving, sacrifice, is all necessary if we are to go back to Him. The fasting is to grow stronger against temptation, especially of the flesh. The prayer, to increase our love for and communication to God. The alms-giving and the sacrifice is doing the work and will of the Father and imitating Christ Himself.  

Isn't it amazing?  The fact that we have the opportunity to turn back to God, no matter where we are? Brothers and sisters I implore you, do something challenging for Lent. I know, its already started but you can still add something on. Do something that you know will bring you closer to God and Heaven. We are all called to be saints.  This is the perfect time to start.


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