Mary and Joseph, Role Models for Discernment... and Thoughts on the Holy Family

*Just some thoughts I had while waiting for sleep to come, that I wanted to write down/share before I forgot them :)*

So I've been pondering, quite recently, Mary and Joesph's lives and vocations.

I was first thinking about how Mary lived the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, but was also a wife and mother.  She was given the ability to live out two vocations simultaneously.
When I first thought about this I said, "Lucky! Wish I could do that."
But upon further contemplation, I asked, "Why? Why was she able to live out both of those vocations?"
And the Holy Spirit didn't hesitate to provide me with an answer.  She did this to act as a model and witness, especially to women.  I thought about how Christ went through every human experience, so both men and women can turn to Christ when faced with questions of their lives and vocations. I thought that men especially can also turn to St. Joseph, who was also, like Mary, able to live out the vocations of married and consecrated life as one. I thought about how each of their lives, was such that not one person could look at the Holy Family and say, "They wouldn't understand what I'm going through."

How cool is that! Those thoughts prompted more thoughts about the Holy Family.

We don't have to go through life thinking we're alone, or that no one understands how we feel, especially when it comes to matters of discernment.  These guys know everything! They've been through everything we have, maybe not in the same century, but hey- Mary had the ultimate unplanned pregnancy, they were all undoubtedly tempted in every way imaginable (they were the holiest family on Earth-that must've really annoyed the heck out of Satan), Joseph died while Christ was still growing up, Mary and Joseph lost their Son (think of how nerve racking that must've been), Mary outlived both her husband and Son, their Son was arrested, they had to flee their home country... They've gone through everything!   

It is amazing how the Lord works, and provides for us in our hour of need, even if that need may be trivial, or seemingly unimportant, He knows, and cares. That has been proven to me day after day. I've been thinking and thinking about vocations (as I seem to do a lot, looking back on my posts from the past), and have been praying about it a lot, and the Lord has guided my thoughts to the Holy Family.  Mary, Joseph and Jesus, were not just historical figures from way back when, but are prevalent in our lives today! Especially as Catholics, they should be held in very high esteem.  We can learn from them, ask them for help, advice, prayer.

The Holy family is so amazing, I hope I remember that more whenever I'm looking for advice.


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