Mother Mary

Though I cannot see you Mother, I feel your embrace, warm and loving, turning me towards your Son. Showing me the Way. Leading me by the hand as mothers often do. I love you so much Mother Mary. So many times I have called out for you in the night, and you were there, you are always there to lead me back to Him. O Sweet Rose! O Holy Tabernacle! O Full of Grace! 

How grateful I am for you! How many times have you pulled me from the snares of the devil? Oh, Mother! My heart is overflowing with love for you and your Son.  Such gratitude I feel for you Mystical Rose! Queen of Heaven and Earth! Mother of the Word Incarnate! Mother of Sorrows!

I cannot wait to re-consecrate myself to you!  My heart leaps in anticipation of the day that I can reaffirm my slavery to you and your Son! How sweet a servanthood it is, full of love and beauty!

Oh Mother, I love you, pray for me a miserable sinner!


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