A Divine Marriage

I wake up, rub my eyes, and halfheartedly push the covers off.
I get out of bed and kneel on the cool hardwood.
"Thank You Lord for my life, for letting me wake up this morning.
For, should I have come to You in the night I would have been cast out.
Thank You Lord for the opportunity to live another day for You. Take my thoughts, actions, and feelings, and turn them all towards You."
This is the prayer I pray every morning.
I get up and dress, reciting prayers by memory.
I am barely awake enough to process what day it is.
Just barely.
Today is the day of Final Profession!!
My heart skips a beat.
My Jesus, My Beloved!
Today, our engagement comes to an end.
Our True Marriage begins!
Oh Joyous day!
The morning is a blur, family arrives, final preparations made.
Sisters hastily fixing last minute details.
Black capes are put on and we are preparing to process into the Sanctuary.
Mass begins.
All I can think about is I am about to receive Christ in the Eucharist as my spouse, my lover, my husband, for the first time!
Joy overwhelms me!
Our Marriage will be consummated through this Sacred Gift.
Bound on Earth and in Heaven.
Mother says her part, we respond tearfully, each one aware of the miraculous event taking place;
Our espousal to God Himself!
As we now prostrate ourselves on the tile floor with our scapulars over our heads, our arms outstretched, I think to myself how first we were bound in the Eucharist, now in the Cross. I am waiting for Him to lift me up to the Cross.
I shall be with Him there.
His Cross becomes mine,
and mine becomes His.
We are One.


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