A Whisper in the Darkness

A very short story that I had the notion of making randomly...Enjoy! :)

 Lying awake in my bed, its past midnight. Though my windows are open, and a rare cool breeze floats in, I cannot get comfortable.  Something is clawing at my mind. Though my body pines for sleep- my soul is wide awake.  Inside of me there is a cry, a longing, a plea.  It confuses me.  My heart and soul are aflame with a desire my mind cannot comprehend.  Then, a whisper reaches through the darkness…
“Lover,” it says, “I am here.”
  And suddenly I know.  I know what, I know Who.  My heart bursts with exultation, my soul is soaring, my mind understands now!  In a second I am on my knees, and suddenly, with just a change of thought, I am immersed in an unrequited loving embrace!  Here is my Lord, my Love, here is my desire! After a few moments of ecstasy and prayer, I find myself more at peace than I had ever been before. 
  I drifted then, to sleep with a full heart, and a content soul…my last thoughts lingering on the One who has bestowed these gifts upon me who is undeserving. The One who has seen fit to call me His own, the One who loves like no other.

   I am not perfect, I fall again and again. I am caked in the mud of sin, but His Blood cleanses me. His Body transforms me. 


  1. This is wonderful! Thank you for this great little notion. :) God bless!


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