College Life

Am I really in college? Is this reality?

I catch myself asking these questions a lot.  It still seems unreal to me at times.  I've dreamed about these days and now I am literally living those dreams.  I find that incredible to think about!  
College has been even more amazing than I thought it would be.  Immediately, I felt at home and God has blessed me with some amazing friends who uplift me and keep me accountable with my faith. The prospect of spending the next four years plus with these people makes me smile and shake my head simultaneously.  I can't imagine the types of shenanigans we'll get into.  Since I've been here (its been about 3 months now), I've been able to join the student led choir, the ballroom/swing dancing club (which is an insane amount of fun), and various other different clubs/activities.  Some of my favorite places to be on campus, besides the coffee shop, are the Marian grotto and the adoration chapel. My roommate and I have a weekly Holy Hour and I can't begin to tell you how incredible that opportunity has been.  The Grotto is located only a short walk from my dorm so I can make trips there any time I want to have some time with Mama Mary and pray a rosary or chaplet.  There is daily Mass and confession, as well as amazing monks that exude the virtue of hospitality and will never turn down a student who needs to talk. The unending opportunities to grow in my faith and devotion are such a blessing and I will forever be thankful that the Lord has led me to this place.

Remember how in my last post, you know, before I was actually living on campus, I said the food was really good? Ha.ha. Well, that lasted about two weeks before some really weird stuff started getting put out for us. But food is food so I am grateful.

I have learned a few things since coming to college:
Walmart is life.
Sleeping through classes can and does happen.
There is so much free time.
You do gain weight.
But then the caf food helps you lose it...
You meet an insane amount of people in a very short period of time so you never remember any names and you find yourself asking someone for the fifth time who they are.
Student discounts are a gift sent from heaven.
You never go to bed at a normal hour (ex. me writing this post at 2:20 am).
You can't get by not studying for class. There's always, always studying to be done.
There are sooo many activities to get involved in on campus.
Embarrassing moments will happen. Trust me.  I have had my fair share. I've earned nicknames. I could tell so many stories... But if you have the right friends (and thankfully I do) they will still love you and laugh alongside you.
Also, Walmart.  Seriously, its the best for broke college students.

Honestly though, I find myself growing in so many different ways.  My life is now my own.  My parents can't make decisions for me, they are not right there to guide me through every trial and situation that arises. I am becoming independent and I am being transformed into someone different and new.  Every day, every choice and event helps shape me into a unique creation.
Keeping this in mind, the Catholic identity of this college has become even more of a blessing.  I am not being blindly molded but carefully and mindfully sculpted by God into a vessel He can use for His perfect Will.  Instead of constantly turning to my parents for advice and help, I fly to Him.  My faith life has grown and I can see God working in my life and drawing me closer to Him.

It has not by any means been all sunshine and blue skies here.  And I am not viewing life through rose colored glasses.  There have been and are many trials for me and for my friends that we are working through.  But those trials are the reason for the growth and transformation I have undergone, for the growth in my relationship with Christ.
While it is not perfect, and nothing on this earth can be, this college has been such an immense gift.
I know it was God's will for me to be here and every day affirms the decision I made to come to the college.  I wouldn't trade these past few months, the friends, experiences, classes, even the sufferings, for anything in the world. It is cliche to say so, but I honestly cannot wait to see what the future here brings.


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