Old Friends

There are things I never thought I would go through, things I never thought I would experience, people I never thought I would lose from my life. But one can never know the future can they?
Over the past month or so I have experienced a few losses. I've lost friends. But they weren't just friends to me, they felt like family.  The way our relationship was, I thought we would be friends forever. I believed our friendship was rooted and growing deeper and stronger all the time.
I guess that was not God's plan.
A keen loss. I feel it everyday.  These people were sisters to me and now we are strangers.  Its weird and unnatural.  We told each other everything.  Everything.  I went to them in my frustrations and they came to me in theirs. We were always asking each other for prayers.
I sit sometimes and am so confused.  What happened?
One day we were so close and the next it felt like our friendship had been severed with a knife.
No explanation,  no goodbye, just dead silence.
I sensed some changes yes, I knew things were different, but I didn't know how much things had shifted until I was cut off. At least, that's how it felt.
That's how it feels. My heart is sore.

Sometimes I think God wanted to spare me from some long drawn out affair and took care of things like one would rip off a band-aid, but the sting is still there.

But, I am headed towards a new phase in my life. One I am sure He will fill with friends that will always be there for me, and I for them. And I cannot forget about those friends who have stuck with me over the years, the friends I've had since preschool, kindergarten, first grade, third grade etc... and those I've made more recently. Thank you for your gift of friendship.

I still find reminders of those old friends though, letters, pictures, posts, gifts etc...
Many parts of my life that they introduced to me like favorite books or movies will still be there, and will still bring up memories- I am certain. Yet, I can go on with the confidence that God placed these people in my life for a purpose. And if these people are perhaps reading this now, I want you to know I still love you guys. I miss you and forgive you. I hope that if I have done anything you will forgive me as well.
But as it seems that you have moved on, so will I.
Goodbye dears. You are always in my prayers. Thank you for your friendship these past few years.
Our Lady of Guadalupe,
pray for us.
With Christ,


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