New Creation

I walk into the Sanctuary, immediately I turn towards the tabernacle and kneel. I bless myself with Holy Water and proceed to the pew. Again I kneel and bury my head in my arms.
"Help me remember Lord"
I pray this prayer over and over.
I am able to talk aloud to my Savior as I await my turn in the confessional.
I feel contrition. Sorrow. Guilt.
I look upon my Lord hanging on the Crucifix.  I meditate, mentally writing down each one of my sins.
The confessional door opens.
I take a deep breath, my heart is full of hope and joy.
You see- I do not fear the Sacrament of Confession, I run to it! I embrace it!
It is one of the most wonderful gifts I have ever been given. I am able to cleanse my heart and my soul! I am able to become a new person! I give my sins to Christ and He wipes them away.
I enter the confessional, ask for Father's blessing and pour out my offenses to the Lord.
I make my act of contrition,
"O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended You, and I detest all my sins because I dread the loss of heaven and the pains of hell,
but most of all because they offend you, my God, who are all good and deserving of all my love.
I firmly resolve, with the help of your grace, to confess my sins, to do penance and to amend my life
Amen. "
Father gives me my penance, he talks to me about how I can improve, and then... he gives me absolution.
My heart bursts with abounding joy and love!
I look up and see a picture of the prodigal son hanging above the screen.
My eyes fill with tears of gratitude and delight.
I have come back to You my Father!
I walk out of the confessional and kneel before my Lord in the tabernacle once again.
This time I am pure, spotless, new!
I praise His most magnificent Name!
Why should the King of the Universe care about someone like me, who turns away from Him over and over and over again?
But He does care. He cares so much that He waits with open arms in the Confessional,  and in the Eucharist, every-single-day!
How amazing is that!
I get up and quickly hurry over to the part of the Church that houses a statue of Our Lady of Fatima. I gaze upon her beautiful face. And I thank her for her intercession on my behalf. She is truly a wonderful and loving Mother.
I turn to exit the Church and glance one last time at the Man who first won my heart. The One who pursues me endlessly.  The One who forgives me constantly.
"I will see You tomorrow at Mass," I whisper to Him.
I walk out of the Church and into the world a new creation. My body and soul are enraptured with the perfect Love of Christ.


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