I'm Back!

Hey y'all, I'm back! Sorry about that little break there. I have been so busy lately its been crazy! Lots has been happening so a few updates before I continue:
-Vocation...lots of prayer. Lots of thinking. I have seen so many people give such great witnesses to their vocation and what God has called them to do. It has been a great support to me just to be able to talk with them. (More on this in a bit)
-College...still looking around. I love Franciscan University of Stuebenville,  Ohio
and Christendom College of Front Royal,  VA but I need to figure out a way to support myself financially because these schools aren't cheap, but their academics and faithfulness to the Church more than make up for price.
-Spiritual Life...growing :) lately, especially since the canonization, I've felt a very close connection with Saint John Paul 2. Why? I am not sure, but I have always had a special place in my heart for this Pope. He is my spiritual Papa, and I ask for his intercession often. He was an amazing man and I urge you, if you haven't already, please look into his life. I cannot say enough about the things he has done for the world!
Also in March, I was honored to help lead a retreat for some middle schoolers. That weekend was AMAZING and a personal dream come true for me! To be able to witness my faith and the power and love of God to those young people was truly a great experience to have. The Holy Spirit was so incredibly and tangibly present with us! That is one of the best highlights of this year :)
-Academic Life...work work work. But this too shall pass. Exams are coming up fast and I am anxious to get them over with, but on the bright side I got into my school's National Honors Society, woo! I am quite excited about the upcoming induction.  :)
So those are the main updates since I last posted if I remember any more I'll make sure to put it in.
Now more about vocation, as I mentioned above, lots of praying and thinking and talking with lay people, and religious about their vocations and discernment. 
I am still unsure as to what the Lord is calling me to. And I do not have to know right away. But He has definitely put a desire in my heart lately for service. Whether that means service in a family or as a member of a religious community I do not know. But what I am fairly certain of is that He is calling me to serve in a radical way.
I don't remember if I have ever mentioned this in a previous post,  but a while ago our priest's Bishop came for a second visit from Uganda,  which is where our Priest is from. When the Bishop came the first time around a year or so ago,  I talked with him and he made me promise him that after my studies, I would go to Uganda and see him and the work they do there. When he came back the second time recently,  he remembered me and our promise. I was surprised and touched that he remembered! Now, whether this will happen right after college or not, I am not sure, but I definitely don't want to break my promise to a Bishop of the Church do I? So it seems God is calling me to Uganda.  :) What I will do if I go is still in the air but I would love to teach.  What a rewarding thing that would be! But again,  as long as I am able to serve that will enough.
Have a blessed evening everyone! And if you all would mind sending up some prayers tonight for a friend going through a rough time, that would be great thanks!
God Bless!


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