
Showing posts from November, 2013

His Will Be Done

If I could have it my way, I'd be going to a Catholic School right now. Better yet, I would be homeschooled so I could go to daily Mass. If I could have it my way, I would spend my time deep in prayer instead of in textbooks. I would always hang out with the friends that encourage me in my faith, rather than have to be around the ones who pull me down. I wouldn't have to sit there while my Faith, morals and beliefs are mocked.  I wouldn't have to constantly witness the offenses and blasphemies against my Lord. But... If you really want to love Jesus, first learn to suffer, because suffering teaches you to love. St. Gemma Galgani It is loving the Cross that one finds one heart, for Divine Love cannot live without suffering. St. Bernadette Would that men might come at last to see that it is quite impossible to reach the thicket of the riches and wisdom of God except by first entering the thicket of much suffering, in such a way that the soul finds there its c

As I Am

No words can describe Him.  No praise is enough.  He, Himself is more than we can fathom.  His love, stronger than we will ever know.  We could not even look upon Him without succumbing to His awe-some Presence. We are nothing. We deserve nothing.  We turn away from Him daily. We make mistakes. We do wrong.  We implore His ever-present overwhelming Mercy. Nothing we do- should- satisfy Him...but it does.  The aspect of G-d that mystifies me the most, the part that I cannot grasp, or comprehend; is that He delights in me, as I am .  He loves me now! Not when I mend my ways, and become a hermit in the desert abstaining from everything except locusts. Now at this moment! ME! ME! A sinner, lower than dirt, undeserving of even the smallest of consolations! He loves me! He always has loved me, and always will love me! With a Love greater than I will ever be able to comprehend. This is the most unfathomable aspect of G-d. "In that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.