
Showing posts from December, 2018

Breaking Hearts

“Sometimes the only way the good Lord can get into some hearts is to break them.” -Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen This year, this semester, has been a myriad of peaks, and valleys. I remember coming into the semester- getting my apartment set up after coming back from a retreat a week before classes began. Perhaps hindsight is glossing over whatever trifle I was dealing with at the time but the few weeks after that retreat were seamless, bright and promising. I had resolved that I would be intentional this year. I would take care of myself body, mind and spirit. I was regularly working out and eating well. I was watching what I put on and in my body- trying to get rid of harmful chemicals in my daily routine. I was cutting out binge- watching in favor of reading (not just for homework, but reading for pleasure too). My spiritual life was okay- it was good. But the retreat before school began had shed light on a struggle: I could not get over this feeling that something som