
Showing posts from December, 2014

Old Friends

There are things I never thought I would go through, things I never thought I would experience, people I never thought I would lose from my life. But one can never know the future can they? Over the past month or so I have experienced a few losses. I've lost friends. But they weren't just friends to me, they felt like family.  The way our relationship was, I thought we would be friends forever. I believed our friendship was rooted and growing deeper and stronger all the time. I guess that was not God's plan. A keen loss. I feel it everyday.  These people were sisters to me and now we are strangers.  Its weird and unnatural.  We told each other everything.  Everything.  I went to them in my frustrations and they came to me in theirs. We were always asking each other for prayers. I sit sometimes and am so confused.  What happened? One day we were so close and the next it felt like our friendship had been severed with a knife. No explanation,  no goodbye, just dead silen