
Showing posts from June, 2014

New Creation

I walk into the Sanctuary, immediately I turn towards the tabernacle and kneel. I bless myself with Holy Water and proceed to the pew. Again I kneel and bury my head in my arms. "Help me remember Lord" I pray this prayer over and over. I am able to talk aloud to my Savior as I await my turn in the confessional. I feel contrition. Sorrow. Guilt. I look upon my Lord hanging on the Crucifix.  I meditate, mentally writing down each one of my sins. The confessional door opens. I take a deep breath, my heart is full of hope and joy. You see- I do not fear the Sacrament of Confession, I run to it! I embrace it! It is one of the most wonderful gifts I have ever been given. I am able to cleanse my heart and my soul! I am able to become a new person! I give my sins to Christ and He wipes them away. I enter the confessional, ask for Father's blessing and pour out my offenses to the Lord. I make my act of contrition, "O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offende