
Showing posts from July, 2013


   Hello again! Its been a looong time since I last posted and I apologize.  There's just been so much going on, its been crazy! Family coming down, finals, graduations, my Confirmation, birthdays, and Steubenville Conferences. I thought summer was supposed to be relaxing? Anywho, like I mentioned before I went to my 3rd Steubenville Conference, at Franciscan University in Steubenville Ohio.  It was my third time and I wasn't expecting anything big to happen, no huge emotional moments like last year, no revelations. But I did encounter God there, in a new and unique way.  And I think that's what I like the most about the conferences.  Each year is unlike the next, maybe in the way they're setup they're the same, but each time the way I encounter God is different. The first year, I was shown how amazing and fun my faith is.  The second, I learned about God's love, and I decided at that moment to live for Him.  This year,  I came to Him with a plea, a prayer.  You