
Showing posts from April, 2013

Love, True Love.

   Hello All!    Well, it has been awhile hasn't it?  I apologize for not posting I just got caught up with life.  So much has happened. I've been able to talk with some great, holy people, and have some great moments with God.  Today though, I want to talk about love.    Love. A word we often misuse. A word that gets lost in translation.  Do we really know what it means? I could give you a dictionary definition, but we as Catholics, as Christians, as followers of Christ, have that definition written on our hearts, our souls. Often times He is hanging around our necks, on our walls, in our churches, in the Tabernacle.  The definition of love, is Jesus Christ.  He is our perfect model when it comes to Love.  He gave His life for damnable sinners, the very same who put Him up there on that cross. He even  forgave  them, forgave us .  If thats not love, what the heck is?    We are called to live that very same love. It is daunting, grueling, hard, unyielding and downright pa