
Showing posts from December, 2015

Friendship, the ER, and Kidneys

  If I have learned anything recently, I have learned what love looks like through the actions of my friends.   If I could sum up the past two weeks in a word...well I probably shouldn't use that specific word... let's go with a more family friendly option: bonkers.  I got back to college after Thanksgiving feeling bad.  I had been having back pain for a few weeks and it hadn't gone away.  At first I thought it was muscle pain, but for the amount of time it lasted and the amount of pain and how deep it felt, I thought it might be something more.  I went to the Wellness Center the morning I got back and they thought it might be a UTI.  A few days later, the pain got really bad.  It was excruciating.  Something else was going on.  In the past week I have been to the ER twice.  They're thinking kidney stones. Last Thursday morning I woke up and couldn't move.  Between gasps of pain and tears I texted a close friend to come help.  We went to the ER where two other fri