
Showing posts from February, 2014

Musings of A Young Woman

I have a vision, a standard, for myself, as a young woman, as a daughter of the Lord. I don't want to look myself in the mirror in the morning and ask myself if my pants are tight enough, I don't want to ask myself if my clothes accentuate my curves enough. I want to look at myself and ask if my smile reaches my eyes, I want to ask myself if my attitude is joyful, if I am willing to be caring, kind, understanding. I don't want to look at myself and see only my body. I don't want to stand there and appraise myself based on the outside, but on what's within . As it should be with every woman. But today, we are not told to look within, we are told, we are shown, we are taught, that what is most important is on the outside. Walk into your local mall, walk into almost any clothing store, and you find skinny jeans, mini-skirts, booty shorts, find tight-fitting shirts, you find see-through clothing.  I admit, I have bought my fair share of jeans, and shirts (althou